By analyzing the spectra of a giant gas planet, scientists have discovered that the planet HD 189733b, which is 15% larger than Jupiter; has water on it. The spectra revealed water vapor in the atmosphere of the planet and scientists now have evidence that water can exist on places outside of our own solar system.
HD 189733b orbits a star that is similar to our sun 63 light-years away. This planet orbits its parent star at a very close proximity, taking only 2 days to round the star.
Both the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes confirm the findings. The discovery was made when the planet made a transit in front of the star its orbit. This transit allowed the star's light to shine through the planet's atmosphere, and the spectra they received from that light could only be from the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Scientists believe that water is an essential element for life to exist, and although this discovery supports theories that water can exist in other places besides our own solar system, because the planet is so close to the star it orbits, it is very unlikely that any living creatures exist on it.
Original Article: / ESA
Both the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes confirm the findings. The discovery was made when the planet made a transit in front of the star its orbit. This transit allowed the star's light to shine through the planet's atmosphere, and the spectra they received from that light could only be from the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Scientists believe that water is an essential element for life to exist, and although this discovery supports theories that water can exist in other places besides our own solar system, because the planet is so close to the star it orbits, it is very unlikely that any living creatures exist on it.
Original Article: / ESA
Not so long ago, I used to think that water only could be found on earth, however, then i realized that water was brought to earth by iced asteroids.
maybe this discovery may lead us to life in other planets not only the earth. simply amazing
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Very helpful piece of writing, much thanks for the article.
For my part one and all must browse on this.
Great article! I cannot believe it! I'll do my best to understand why we are trying to understand those elements if we are humans without beliefs.
I was looking for this information, thanks for put in this easy way, I mean in a easy way to understand it jajaja, well until the next time.
believe we were many who thought the same thing, which only had water here but I see science and technology
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